andrew carnie


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10 days across the city


a city-wide event across winchester from 28 october – 6 november that builds on the heritage of 10 days in the laundry in october 2009 as a celebration of creative winchester.

the new project 10 days across the city is about the creation of a map, the publication of work, and the development of a round-table like organisation that will support and picture a creative identity for our city. working together, we aim to demonstrate the scale, variety and quality of creative practice, during a 10-day period, and promote a forward-looking and successful creative community.

the festival will be revealed as part of a 10-day map of events and a series of publications, drawing out the talents and opportunities of a creative city. the 10-day map will reveal events established as part of the project as well as events already staged. it will register different kinds of activity including those of creative business, activities of weekly community groups, some of the city's creative hubs where writers, choirs, studios and design practices are located, and the publication of work in different regional and national locations (published during the 10-day period) that are linked to winchester.

part of the drawing will be created physically in the discovery centre in october and on-line. through the location of some events and the promotion of goods and locations, the project will also establish positive links with the city's business community, promoting ways in which the arts can positively transform and celebrate place and product.



10 days




for 10 days in the city i will be showing crazy diamond mine at the theatre royal winchester. see images at crazy diamond mine




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